I was having some technical difficulties with my laptop, so I put in a call to my IT guy back in New York. I figured, what better time to write in my blog than while I am on the phone with my father. He has everything under control anyway. I do not speak computer that well. I know enough to get by.
School is crazy, but someone...please, answer me this. How is it that I just handed in my first paper last Thursday? I have been in school since January 6th and I just wrote a paper. I do not really count the two papers I wrote for my winter session War Films class because that was before the semester started. Last Thursday, I handed in a paper on the relationship between action and desire within T.S. Eliot's poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." I actually think I did really well on that paper because it is one of my favorite poems. It is about this middle-aged man wandering the streets as he contemplates whether or not he should make a move on the woman he is attracted to. It is a very sad, but equally beautiful piece because it speaks so well to the human mentality and our ability to make decisions for ourselves. We spend so much time questioning our actions and whether or not we should make a move or surrender to the game, but it teaches us that we should not be afraid to take risks and put ourselves out there.
As you can see, I have a lot to say on this poem. My paper had to be five pages long. It was five with a couple of lines on the sixth page and the seventh as the works cited. I am pretty proud of the work I did on it.
I am actually thinking of starting to work on all the assignments that I will have due at the end of year now so that I can just kick back, relax and read something fun while all the other students are busy playing the end of the year game.
I cannot believe that the year is just about over. My junior year of college is gone. Senior year is about to go equally as fast. It is very scary to me that next May I will be graduating from Albertus. I won't be back in the fall of 2015.
Before I get too chilly from all this deep thought, I am going to jump into bed. It's about that time. As soon as I get the okay from the IT tech on my phone, it will be lights out for me.