People always say that wishing for something hard enough
will make it happen, especially with a little patience in the mix. I never
believed that, until this year. I remember the exact hour and minute that my
life changed as if it was my wedding day. Monday July 8th 2013 at 3:26 pm. If I
had not checked my tweets I would not be writing this entry right now. The
exact moment in question is the moment I found out that I won two coveted gold
pass tickets for that weekend's Vampire Diaries convention in Parsippany, NJ. For
anyone who knows me, you know that I am the biggest Vampire Diaries fan ever
and a Team Damon girl at all times. As you could imagine I freaked out. I could
not breathe or stand or talk really. Two gold tickets to this convention would
have cost $700 ($350 each) and they do not even include photo-ops with the
actors; autographs only, but that's okay.
It took me an entire day before I realized the best part
about winning these tickets. I would be meeting Ian Somerhalder. For those who
do not know, he plays Damon Salvatore on the Vampire Diaries, he was Boone
Carlyle on Lost and was in The Rules of Attraction a long time ago. He is an
actor/ philanthropic environmentalist. He started his own foundation, Ian
Somerhalder Foundation, back in 2010 in response to the destruction of his
home, Louisiana, after the BP Oil spill. Now, he is working as hard as he can
to kick vampire butt on television and save the world. How cool is that? It
also does not hurt that he is gorgeous, just saying. I mean, just look at him.
His eyes could compel to do just about anything to save the world.

The first thing I did was try to find a friend to come with
me, but no one could go. I felt really bummed that I had to go alone, but I
would rather go alone than not go at all. My younger sister is working at camp
this summer and I was really sad she could not come with me. We are TVD buddies
and love Ian equally.
Saturday morning came and my mom, brother and I took off for
what would become a 3 hour drive to Parsippany, NJ all because of construction
and traffic on the route to the George Washington Bridge. Once we got onto the
bridge it was smooth sailing straight to Jersey.
My mom and brother dropped me off at the Hilton Parsippany
and my convention weekend began. I went into the vendors’ room to check out all
the merchandise and let me tell you…they had tons of stuff waiting to be
bought. So I bought stuff. I bought a candle from the Somerhalders’ and one of
their reusable bags; a life size Ian for my room, a banner with Damon sitting in
the grill for everyone to sign and some little pictures to get signed. I have
now met Dena and Bob Somerhalder and they are super awesome! Bob is Ian
Somerhalder's older brother and they have a company called B.O.B (Built of
Barnwood). They take old pieces of wood and other objects that have been thrown
away and recycle them and make beautiful wall art, candles, jewelry, and many
other things. They go to just about every convention that their brother is
attending. I unfortunately did not get a picture with them, but maybe I will
get to meet them again one day. If you are ever in the Bay of St. Louis,
Mississippi I insist that you go and check them out.

As for all the talented people I met, we started the weekend
with Robert Ri’chard (Jamie from season 3) and Charlie Bewley (Vaughn). Then I
saw Nate Buzolic (Kol) and he was such a super sweet guy. He has one of the
most tragic back stories though…no, really. His grandfather was killed in
Croatia before he was born and his mom fled as a refugee to Australia. Then
right when he was born his father bolted and he and his mom were dirt poor.
When he was really little, he said he made a promise to take her on a proper
European vacation once he became a big actor. Everyone thought he was crazy for
wanting to act and up until a week before he got hired to play Kol he had only
20 dollars to his name and was about to call it quits on the acting plan. Then
he got a call from the Executive Producer, Julie Plec and he became our Kol
Mikaelson, and just last month he returned from his European vacation with his
(Left to right: Nathaniel Buzolic, Charlie Bewley, Robert Ri'chard)
I also met Devon Haas at the convention. She and her mom are integral parts of the ISF family. They go wherever there is a call for ISF volunteers. This past weekend they were there in an ISF capacity as well, talking about all things green and planet friendly. Devon is a child actress, model and an ISF Kids Army member. She is very opinionated for such a young girl and I love that about her. She has taught me so many things about our current environmental conditions and what we can do to help save our home. This past school semester was very stressful for me so as a therapeutic relaxer I started making bracelets. I asked Devon to tell me her favorite colors because I wanted to make a bracelet. I did, but I kept forgetting to mail it to her, but I gave it to her at the convention. She was so excited when she saw it and she knew exactly who I was because later that night she tweeted me, "Thanks @stephano93 for the bracelet. I love it!" That was one of the best parts of the whole weekend.

In the afternoon, there was an auction for some TVD
merchandise and it was crazy the amounts of money people spent on some of this
stuff. After that, I went to panels for
Zach Roerig (Matt), Michael Trevino (Tyler) and Kat Graham (Bonnie). Then I
waited 2 ½ hours to get autographs from Michael, Robert and Nate. Robert
Ri'chard gave me his cell number on my banner. I never plan on using it, but it
was a nice gesture. He was impressed with my banner that I bought.
Sunday; the biggest day of my life. Thank goodness my older
sister Rachel came to hang out with me because I was a nervous wreck from the
moment I woke up that day. I literally could not eat because I was nervous and
felt like I needed to throw up. I bought some awesome gifts while there because
how could I not.
So, as gold pass holders Rachel and I got to hear Ian and
Paul speak twice that day. There was a special ½ hour panel with them at 10 and
that was a blast. Ian is hysterical and he kept impersonating Cartman from South
Park all day. It was cute. The guys talked about some their most embarrassing
moments. Paul's was one time he thought a group wanted to take a picture with
him so he said sure and jumped in when really they wanted him to take a picture
of them. Ian's was a little better. He told us about a time last season where
he was not feeling so wonderful, but they had filming to get done so he could
not go home. He was afraid he looked awful on the camera so he asked the
Directory of Photography (DP) if they could use one of the camera filter disks
to soften his features to hide the tired eyes. The DP decided to play a cruel
joke on him. He said they are for the girls only because each time you use them
the set has to pay a royalty. Ian being Ian fell for it and so he was making
phone call upon phone call, trying to find out what someone could do for him.
The DP and the rest of the crew were all hysterical laughing at him as they
watched Ian run around set like a crazy man. He said to us that he "Had a
major diva hour that morning." That's hilarious.

Rachel and I took a lunch break after all the morning panels
were done and we had from 1-3 until Ian and Paul came back again.
Unfortunately, my tickets were only good for autographs. No photos. Next time,
if there is a next time. Lunch was very unsettling for me because I was so
freaking nervous. I was so scared that meeting Ian wasn't going to be what I
thought it would be. I was dreaming about it for 4 years and now it’s here. I
think it was because you were not with me. It felt wrong in a way. So, we go to
their second panel at 3 and it goes for forever. They like to talk these guys.
At around 4:15 we start getting on line for autographs. They stick everyone
onto Paul’s line first and then on Ian’s. Want to know why? Because Ian likes
to chat and his line moves very slowly but Paul is really quiet and signs
really fast so that way at least someone would finish. We didn't stand on Ian’s line very long, but
it certainly took a lot longer than Paul’s. Ian was so sweet to me though. I
get up to him and hand him my banner for him to sign …here comes a little
dialogue…all true! I swear!
Ian: Hi Sweetness!
Me: Hi Ian.
Ian: Sorry I’m in such a rush today
Me: Oh it’s alright Ian, I’m just so glad I finally got to
meet you
Ian: No I’m glad I finally got to meet you
(I take my banner when he slides it to me)
Me: Thanks Ian. Have a really nice weekend!
Ian: Thanks Babe, you too!
I WAS DYING!!!!! Yes, I realize he probably said something
like that to every female that was there…and there sure were plenty, but for those
30 seconds I felt special. So let me have that.
Well, meeting Ian was everything I thought it would be and
that’s the worst part. After we got his autograph, Rachel and I headed for home
and I was just…bummed. I think that’s the word. The excitement was over, the
dream came true and now I had to go back to reality. He is such a sweetie and
he wants to talk to everyone and know everything, but there just isn't time. He
is too popular. His photo op tickets were sold out from January. I will also
say, Ian and Paul are extremely tiny men. Like, you could warp your hands
around their waists.
So that was my amazing life changing weekend. This summer
has been one of the most amazing! My next adventure will be in New Orleans!
Another wish of mine that is coming true!