The games revolves an Indiana Jones type of treasure hunter, named Nathan Drake and his mentor Victor Sullivan; treasure hunting thieves by trade. He is on a mission to prove that an explorer, Francis Drake, was sent on an expedition in search of the East Indies for Spain, did not really find the East Indies, but they found a city lost in time. He goes on this extremely dangerous adventure that takes him through a burning French castle, a Syrian palace on the verge of collapse, a dessert in the middle of Yemen and a ghost town in the far Middle East. There are 22 chapters in these games. In two days, Ricky and I worked our way through 20 of those chapters. I have yet to go back and complete the game. Those were the best two days of my life.
The best part about these games being so popular is that people have filmed themselves playing the game and post it onto youtube in such a fashion that you can watch them like movies. I know this because I have been watching all three every night for the past two weeks. Am I the only one that is attracted to Nathan Drake? If I am now, I am sure that I won't be by the time you see these games. I highly recommend them because you are in for some laughs.
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