Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekend Update

Thursday, we had a snow day at school. It was the best! I woke up early, even though I did not have to. I took an amazing warm shower and my hair feels awesome now! I made the long journey down from McAuliffe Hall to the dining hall so I could have some breakfast. After brunch, I took a nap. I had been dying for a nap all week. You would think that after the age of 5 that naps would not be so important to your daily functions, but in college it of the utmost importance that you fit a nap into the schedule. The rest of Thursday was spent with the Gilmore Girls as I held a marathon for myself. I also read a little bit. Thursday night was an impromptu duty night. I was not on the schedule, but going with the flow and spontaneous schedule changes are all a part of the job; plus, I got to watch more Gilmore Girls.

Friday was Valentine’s Day…the most dreaded day of the year for me. I have never had a Valentine on that day and I know it is not mandatory that you have a significant other to celebrate the day, but it might help improve its reputation in my eyes. I was on duty on Friday and Saturday night so I continued my Gilmore Girls marathon.

Last night, Sunday night, was the best night of the whole week! All my friends were hanging out in my dorm room all night. You never realize how small a room is until you have all your friends laying around and sitting in every corner of it. As an RA, I have a huge room and it has never seen that many people before. It was crazy…nice, but crazy. Thank goodness I have a double bed so people could lie up there and save some floor space for the rest of us. We all ordered Chinese food because we were starving, and then we watched Silent Hill. Whoever tries to tell you that movie is not scary is right…it’s not scary, but it does mess with your head. After everyone left, I had to check in the closets and under the bed.

Today was and still is President’s Day! School was closed and I did nothing but lie around in bed until about 4pm. This is most definitely the life to live. It is unfortunate there is so much snow out because I would have gone to do something if there wasn’t. I might have gone for a run or gone downtown, but not with all this snow. Can you spell dangerous?!

Now, there is talk of snow tomorrow into Wednesday and I cannot think of anything worse than another snow day! This is crazy!

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