Friday, February 7, 2014

Who needs a decorator?

Okay! You caught me red handed! Yes, I did have class today and instead of going I re-arranged my dorm room. How can I be expected to sit still in a classroom and listen to a lecture about Daisy Miller when I have had snow days every other day? You can't! I read some of the story and I participated in the online discussion. That was my educational contribution for today.

I took it upon myself to move my entire room all around today: beds, dresser and desk. They are not even remotely anywhere near where they used to be. I am excited for this change because I get extremely bored with the same set-up for too long. I wish my room at home were this easy to move around. I am really proud that I moved all of this heavy furniture by myself. It tells me that I am not as weak as I thought and that I do have some muscles left from my old box lifting days...but that is another story for another time. Not to sound like I am quoting Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in Stepbrothers...but I am! "There is so much more room for activities!" Now, I can set up my yoga mat a good distance from the television and I can actually practice Yoga like I have been planning since August. I wish I had a personal trainer here at Albertus that I could utilize.


So, I moved the desk to the wall where my beds used to be and I love this location. Before, my desk was hanging off of this awkward half wall in the window area and it was incredibly un-inspiring. Now, I have an entire wall to post my to-do lists on and I will actually see them! It's perfect! I am a little nervous about where my bed is only because of the dog house shape to the window area. I have two beds and the one I sleep on is right where the wall slopes back down. I am scared that one night I will jump up and hit my head because I will forget it is there. Let's hope for the best.

Right next to my desk, I have my rolling set of drawers fully stocked with art supplies and notebooks and with my lamp on top I can do homework no problem! I am going back home this weekend, so I will not be able to test out the new layout fully until Sunday night when I return. Now...even though it is almost 4 AM, I am determined to read this chapter of my Criminal Procedures textbook before I have to get up and go home.

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