Saturday, November 9, 2013

Open House; Open Memories.

Today, November 9th, was the college's annual Fall Open House. I am always excited to be a part of it.
It is a day to show off all the amazing clubs, gorgeous mansion residence halls, the beautiful Rosary Hall and we get the see all the brilliant students that could potentially become future Albertus students; future Falcons!
I love meeting the perspective students because it brings me back to days not that far back in my life. I have experienced all the emotions you could possibly feel when you are in high school and looking at colleges. Everywhere I look during open house, I see my mom and I as we walked around the campus for the first time four years ago. Wow...has it truly been that long?

Picture this if you can; four years ago, a high school sophomore, shy and nervous, silently hiding behind her mother and her younger sister. She slowly and carefully takes a peek around the campus all while making sure not to stray too far from her two buffers. Her mom holds the Q&A sessions and gathers flyers of information at every table they moved to. Her younger sister takes part in the raffles going on and nudges her older sister to play the game; win a prize. English club table, the Writing Center, English majors table, Residential Life, etc; it was all too much to take in, but wonderful all at the same time.

Ah, memories. That was the very first time I came to see what Albertus Magnus College was all about. I mean, who would not like it here? The campus is gorgeous, especially in the fall; when all the leaves turn colors. Well, I wore two hats during the Student Activities portion of open house today; Student Alumni Association and representing Breakwater, the literary magazine that I am a co-president of with Annemarie Tompsen. SUBMIT TO BREAKWATER NOW through FEBRUARY 14TH! EMAIL US AT

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